Single Trip European Breakdown cover

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Get Single Trip European breakdown cover

  • Single trip European breakdown cover
  • English-speaking help
  • European cover for older cars

The single trip European breakdown cover is a low-cost solution to help anyone to tour in Europe by vehicle, so they can get help in the fastest possible manner when they need assistance. If you need short term European breakdown cover, then the single trip is the option to choose. If you intend making more than one trip to the EU you will need annual European breakdown cover which is offered by all the leading providers.

How long is single trip European breakdown cover good for?

Since this cover is being made for a specific trip, the time is designated by the people going off on holiday or that special business meeting. The length of time can be for a day or up to 180 days. The choice is that of the trip planner.

What type of services are included with a single trip European breakdown cover?

The breakdown cover for a European trip is very similar to the same type of cover many enjoy in the UK.

  • Roadside assistance, where a mechanic will come to your aid and make repairs if the problem can be fixed in less than an hour.
  • Towing to the nearest garage when the roadside assistance can’t make the proper repairs.
  • When a repair garage in Europe can’t make the proper repairs, the vehicle can be towed back to the UK.
  • You and your party can either be taken to your destination or brought back to the UK, it is your choice.
  • When repairs can happen within 24 hours, accommodation can be provided for an overnight stay.

What types of vehicles can a single trip European breakdown policy be taken out for?

This type of protection when on a holiday in Europe can be for any type of vehicle that weighs less than 3.5 tonnes. This includes cars, vans, caravans, motorcycles, trucks and anything else that has a motor and is legal to operate on the road.

How do I get help when I only speak English while in Europe?

The insurance providers in the UK have English speakers manning the hotlines 24/7. These receptionists will make contact with the repair vehicle in the country you have broken down in and make all the arrangements necessary for you to get the assistance you need. This includes repairs to the vehicle, accommodations and travel forward.

The single trip European breakdown cover is used by many UK residents who rarely travel to Europe. This type of protection takes one less worry from those making the journey into Europe and removes the hassle of not knowing the language when you need assistance abroad. For those with an older vehicles Breakdown cover for older vehicles might have helpful information.  

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“If you are in the market for single trip European breakdown cover, the comparison service can help you find what is available in the current marketplace. Comparing Single Trip European Breakdown Cover is one step in finding the best Single Trip European Breakdown Cover that suits your individual travel needs.,”

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