How to take Care of Horses
If you are thinking of buying a horse or if you already have a few of them, knowing how to take care of them is an essential part of your ownership responsibility. Whether you own a horse as a pet or for show or sport, there's no substitute for providing proper equine care. When you transport your horse or pony make sure it is securely tethered, also check that your horsebox insurance is up-to-date
Horses are strong animals which are typically hardy. They make great companions or pets, but they do require proper attention and regular maintenance. These animals are sociable, and they interact with their owners and/or handlers, as well as other animals that live with them.
It can also be costly to take care of a horse, that's why not everyone owns them. If you are one of the new horse owners out there, make sure that you have enough horse supplies such as those used for feeding, watering, daily activities, and veterinary products which you can use at home.
Provide proper shelter
Horses typically require an indoor area for rest and protection, and an outdoor area for feeding and exercise. These animals require shade during the hot summer months and protection from the cold during the winter months and other natural elements.
There are different types of shelters that come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but the most common are barns and horse stalls which can keep horses indoors. Trees, shade coverings, and simple four-post sheds are great for temporary outdoor shelters and feeding time.
Other things to consider:
Proper feeding
As with most mammals, it is imperative to provide clean fresh water daily to horses. Since these are grazing animals, they always tend to eat constantly, especially when you have fresh grass available.
Proper grooming on a regular basis is essential to keep your horses healthy from the outside.
Owning horses can be very challenging for most people. But if you are an enthusiast with passion for horses as farm animals or for show or sport, you will do everything you can to keep them healthy, safe, and thriving.