Compare Equi-Trek Horsebox Insurance Quotes

Horsebox Insurance

Horsebox Insurance Quotes

The Equi-Trek Background Story

Equi-Trek horseboxes are manufactured by Equi-Trek Limited. They are based in the UK and provide a range of horse transporters, starting from the Equi-Trek range of trailers, to mid-size horseboxes with a top of the range Evolution a Luxury horsebox with spacious walk-through cab and living area.  Equi-Trek is a leading name in the equine community and have earned a reputation for quality products and innovative designs tailored to the needs of horse owners and riders.

Equi-Trek Fleet of Trailers and Motorised Horseboxes

  • Sonic: The Sonic range includes compact horseboxes suitable for transporting one or two horses. The Sonic range provides a range of compact, easy to drive horseboxes, with a gross maximum weight of 3,500kg. Therefore, no special driving licence is required, as anyone with a standard car licence can get behind the wheel.
  • Victory : Equi-Trek’s Victory range offers larger horseboxes capable of transporting two to six horses. These models include a living quarter that comprises of a comfortable bench seat that doubles as two bunk beds. In addition, they offer a stylish handbuilt kitchen units complete with gas hob, sink and storage cupboards. Perfect for longer journeys or for transporting more horses.
  • Trail-Treka:   For those that prefer a trailer, the Equi-Trek’s  range offers horse trailers able to transport  one to two horses. These trailers are designed to be both lightweight and easy to tow.
  • Space-Treka : The Space-Treka III can transport up to three horses or four ponies (depending on size and weight). In addition the Space Trea has a separate tack and changing area whilst remaining compact and easy to tow.

Tips On Reducing Horsebox Insurance And Protecting Your Horsebox Or Trailer

  • Keep a record of the make, model and year of manufacture of your horsebox or horse trailer as well as photographs. These can help with a quick recovery should it be stolen.
  • Never leave valuable equipment inside the trailer or overnight.
  • Increase Security :  It is important to take steps to reduce the risk of theft and only fit anti theft devices that are recommended or approved by insurance companies. Most new motorised horseboxes with come fitted with an anti theft device or immobilizer.
  • For Horse Trailers, use both hitch and wheel locks to secure your trailer and keep in a secure area.
  • Pay per mile: If you only transport livestock occasionally to events, it may well work out cheaper to consider an insurance policy based on usage or miles travelled. If you are able, select named drivers and ensure they are over 25 with a clean driving licence.
  • Pay for your insurance as a one-off payment, spreading the payment over the year will likely incur extra interset charges.
  • Multiple Quotes : Having multiple quotes from different insurance companies will enable you to compare quotes online to find the best deal
  • Named Drivers : Keep your policy to named drivers and if possible only name drivers that are over 25 to avoid additional costs associated with younger drivers.
  • Increase the excess : The excess is the amount that you the driver will be responsible to pay in an event of an accident. Speak with your broker about increasing the excess in return for a lower quote. If you wish, you may also take out additional cover for the excess amount.
  • Switch Off Auto Renew : If you have set auto-renew with your insurance company, consider switched that off and use renewal time to look for a better deal,

Remember Horsebox Breakdown Cover

Some providers of horsebox insurance may bot offer breakdown cover or offer the service at an excessive cost.. You can compare the best policies for horsebox or Car and Trailer breakdown cover separately on our website.

Compare Equi-Trek Horsebox Insurance  

  • Discounts for limited mileage
  • Horsebox Insurance for vans or lorries from one to six + stalls
  • Discounts for security / immobilizers
  • Private Car NCB acceptable
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