Tips on How You Can Lower Your Minibus Fuel Consumption
Did you know? Comparing the costs of minibus insurance is the first step to makings savings on minibus insurance. Brokers often have discounts for new customers, so when renewal time comes, shop around to see what is on offer.
It is important to look at ways to improve safety and making savings in any situation. The minibus compliance course will help on improving safety, and this article on fuel saving should help save lower your minibus driving costs. Fuel prices are rising, and it doesn’t appear that that is going to change anytime soon. While there is nothing the average driver can do about this, there are indeed a few ways that you can save on fuel consumption and thus save money. Below are some common-sense advice on reducing minibus fuel costs.
Observe Speed Limits
Observe the posted speed limit, fuel mileage will decrease rapidly at speeds over 60 MPG. The use of cruise control is recommended in order to maintain a constant speed on the highway. A vehicle that averages 28 miles per gallon at 60 mph, typically will get 27 MPG at 65 mph, and 25 MPG at 70 mph. That said, it’s important to remember that for different type, model, and age of vehicles, fuel economy at different speeds will vary.
Keep your tyres inflated
Keep your tyres properly inflated The National Energy Foundation estimates that half of the tyres (50%) of the vehicles on the road today are under-inflated. They say that driving on soft tyres can add 2% to an individual’s fuel bill. Some suggest once a week. Others do it every time they fill up. Get in the habit of checking those tyres!
Air con Advise
Running the A/C Another subject the NEF is well versed on is air conditioning and fuel consumption. Their statistics will show that using your A/C can cause your vehicle to use up to 25% more fuel. Make it a point to not use this luxury unnecessarily. Try switching it off and using the vents instead, and maybe a window or two down a bit. Here it’s worth noting, that if you are travelling at more than 55 mph, it’s most often better to turn on the A/C if it’s too hot, and roll up those windows. The reason being that open windows at high speeds will increase drag and inevitably use more fuel than running your air-con.
Engine Maintenance
Keep that engine maintained It’s a fact that under-serviced and inefficient motors will reduce fuel economy by 10% or more. Have your vehicle serviced regularly. Something as simple as a dirty air filter can seriously rob you of your fuel economy. They are not expensive, and easy to change. The same goes for motor oil. Have it changed regularly. Clean oil will reduce the wear that is caused by the friction of the engine’s moving parts.
Weight and Drag
Reduce the weight and reduce the drag Remove things such as carriers, roof racks, and removable seats when they are not being used. Tidy up the boot and remove any items you really don’t need to have in there, like your golf clubs and extra sports equipment. Give some serious thought before adding heavy accessories or wide tyres that will increase your rolling resistance parts.
Petrol Prices
Be wise as you look for the cheapest petrol, make sure you don’t drive far out of your way just to realise a tiny savings on your fuel purchase. Often times, the fuel that you will use to get to the ‘bargain’ station will cancel out any savings.
Steady at the wheel
Avoid aggressive driving. It’s a proven fact that accelerating to and from a stop light and weaving in and out of traffic doesn’t save time. In addition, it wears out components on a vehicle faster, such as tyres and brakes. You can raise fuel economy by simply doing away with the quick acceleration and fast braking.
Think again
Whilst some are obvious, it is always good to rethink how you can save money on MPV insurance and minibus insurance. Saving money and taking steps to train minibus drivers and share minibus safety driving tips will help reduce accidents and make savings.