Compare Tesco Pet Insurance

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Who Is Tesco Pet Insurance

The Tesco Pet Insurance is one of a line of insurance products provided by Tesco Bank. The Tesco group is better known for their grocery stores, but like other high street retailers, they expanded into the in banking and insurance sectors. The Tesco Pet Insurance products that include cover for both dogs and carts are underwritten by Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance. The RSA is one of the world’s leading insurance groups.

Multi pet insurance is designed to help protect the family pets so that they can be covered just in case they become ill or injured. This is health insurance for your pets, along with protection for the owner of a pet that is involved in an incident where a third party makes a claim against one of your pets.

Who Needs Tesco Pet Insurance?

Tesco pet insurance was created to help organize the care and protection for someone who has more than one pet in their life. The number of pets that can be covered under one policy can be up to 3 with some insurance firms, while others allow an unlimited number. With one policy covering all of your pets, it is easier to know what is covered and what can be claimed.

What kind of pets can be covered with a Tesco pet insurance policy?

Technically any type of animal that lives in your home can be covered, but the most common types are cats and dogs and for some insurance firms rabbits. For those owners of exotic pets, it is advised that they first check with the insurance firm to see if they qualify for this type of cover.

multi pet insurance

Exotic pets can include but not limited to large cats like lions and tigers, weasels, ferrets, birds, snakes and fish. Horses can be considered pets, but they have their own classification of insurance and should not be covered under this type of policy.

What can be included in Tesco pet insurance?

There are many areas this type of protection will include to help as a financial supplement so that the bills will be paid or a large portion of them.

  • Veterinarian bills that could include health checkups, illness and injury care, surgeries and other services of a veterinarian. On average this has a cap of £3,000 per visit to the office for a specific condition. Each firm has a stated limit in the number of visits covered on an annual basis.
  • Notices, postings and rewards for the location of a lost or missing pet that might have wandered off. This can up to £1,000 protection.
  • Emergency kennel costs of up to £750 just in case you are hospitalized or another event where you can’t provide care for your pets.
  • Third party liability cover provides up to £1,000,000 if a claim is made that your pet has caused damage or caused an injury to a third party.
  • There is also a payment of £500 if your pet is stolen or strays and does not return or can’t be found after 90 days.

What types of protection are provided by a tesco pet insurance policy?

Most insurance providers of multi pet policies offer three types of cover to choose from.

  • Accident only is the least expensive. This is financial protection if your pet is accidentally injured in a fall or other event where they require the services of a veterinarian.
  • 12 month cover is protection when your pet has a new condition that requires medical treatment by a veterinarian. The treatment can last more than 12 months and will be covered just as long as the insurance policy is still active. If the policy lapses, then the condition or illness will be classified as a pre-existing condition if a new Tesco pet insurance policy is taken out.
  • Lifetime cover protects your pet until it passes away as long as the premium is paid. This type is classified as a comprehensive policy that includes protection for all new conditions and injuries for the life of the pet.

What are the discounts provided with a multi pet insurance policy?

The discounts provide for those that take out a tesco  pet insurance policy varies from company to company. The most common is a 10% discount off the premium price when taking out this type of policy where 2 or more pets are covered. The next most common discount is a 5% discount with a few at 15% off and even one at 12.5% off the premium price of a policy.

Another way discounts are applied to a multi pet policy is by providing a discount per pet added to a policy in terms of value instead of a percentage. Here you can find a £1 discount per pet each month along with a flat £12 off the policy per pet annually.

Some insurance firms do offer up to a 30% discount, but it is only applied to the first annual payment. After that point full price is required to keep the policy active.

It is advised to ask about the discount on a policy before taking it out with any insurance firm.

What is not covered in a multi pet policy?

No claims are permitted for the first 10 days for any new policy.

Pre-existing conditions like diabetes, cancer or other illness will not be covered nor will any previous injury be covered for treatment.

No claims permitted that are related to previous treatments from preventative care as with flea or worming treatments or vaccinations.

What information about my pets do I have to provide an insurance firm before a policy can be taken out?

  • Each pet has to be named along with their date of birth.
  • How long you have owned each pet is also to be listed on the policy.
  • Each pet’s breed and pedigree should be listed. If it is a mixed breed, list the breeds involved if possible.
  • For those owners that have microchipped their pets, the registration numbers should be provided to the insurance firm.
  • Identify which pets have been spayed or neutered.
  • Have the vaccination records for each pet ready and available for the insurance firms records.

By taking out a Tesco pet insurance policy, peace of mind for the owner can be found. This type of policy also helps organize all the information on each pet so that it can be located quickly in an emergency or panic situation.

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