Natural hair products vs chemical hair products
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Natural hair products vs chemical hair products
When deciding to use hair products, many of us are often confronted with the question of whether or not chemical-based hair products like shampoos and conditioners will damage our precious locks. The truth is that we all have different hair types, and therefore several factors may come into play when considering the choice of the product. Another factor if you happen to operate a hairdressing business using natural products may reduce the costs of your hair salon insurance.
John Brennan, CEO of Fuente Australia, weighs up the pros and cons of both organic hair products and chemical-based hair products and the outcome is concerning. Despite a tolerable level in the short term, it has been shown that synthetic products can cause severe long-term damage not only to the quality of hair, but also our overall physical as well as psychological health and well-being. His study has revealed that there are untested and unsafe ingredients in hair care products that we use every day. In some cases, these ingredients have been linked to toxicity in the nervous system, weaknesses of the immune system and even cancer.
Chemical-based products advantages
Natural hair product advantages
In short, while synthetic hair products can provide immediate results and provide a long-term shelf life, general health effects are of great concern. Natural products, despite being relatively non-commercial and little more expensive, offer longer lasting results.