Compare Caravan Insurance For Seniors

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  • Over 50, over 60, over 70 and over 80 Caravan Insurance
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Guide Caravan Insurance for Over 60s,70s and 80s

Like health insurance, the cost to get insured tends to rise as you reach your senior years. With some provides even imposing an upper age limit. Others will only continue to insure you if you have been an existing policyholder. It is important to-do upfront research on any age limits before deciding an insurance provider and choose one that you are happy with and will also continue to provide cover as you reach more senior years. 

We have partnered with QuoteZone who have a panel of caravan providers that can provide quotes for senior.  You can compare over 80 caravan insurance providers easily than ever by submitting your requirements to this select panel of caravan insurance specialists. 

Demand for Senior Insurance on the Increase in the UK

Thanks to healthy lifestyles and advances in medicine we are all living longer and according to the Government office of Science we can expect that by "By 2040, nearly one in seven people is projected to be aged over 75".  The over 60, 70 and 80 represent a growing sector of the lifestyle insurance sector and demand insurance to suit their leisure lifestyle.   A growing number of provider now provide over 80 motorhome insurance along side car insurance for over 80's , eligibility may be subject to passing a medical screening.  

Does Caravan insurance cost more for drivers over 60 or over 70 and beyound?

Most insurance products will for most get cheaper as you get older, but at 70 you may find it starting to increase. This is true for insurance products like car and motorhome insurance that rely to some extent on acuity and physical abilities.   In the case of home and caravan insurance for over 80s , the risk to the insurance provider is reduced. This is based on empirical evidence in terms of the number and size of claims made by senior age groups. Seniors in the community are likely to be retired spending more time in the caravan and be extra security conscious. All these factors help to reduce the risk of breakins and claims, expect your caravan insurancepremiums to reduce as you reach the following milestones of life over 50, over 60's, over 70 or over 80's and beyond. 

Does Car insurance cost more for drivers over 80?

Again, the cost of car insurance will reduce as you get older and keep a good history of no claims, but it will start to increase as you reach 70 and above. It is always best to get comparative quotes for car insurance if over 80 or indeed any age. This will enable to compare a range of car insurance providers and help you get a better deal. It may also be beneficial to look at providers like carrot car insurance, who have policies that are based on proving that you are a safe driver. In order to take advantage of a carrot safe driving policy, the driver must install a black box. 

Cutting costs for over 80s Caravan insurance

However, you can take steps to control the price of insurance as you get on in years.

  • Downgrade to small cheaper caravan
  • Choose a pay as you go policy or even consider temporary motorhome insurance, just insure as needed
  • Only add extras if you need them, example windscreen cover may be purchased cheaper direct outside a motorhome policy.
  • Make sure you have installed security devices to deter theft
  • Provide safe off-road parking

Who provides Senior Caravan Insurance?

Please refer to table below, some of these will only over cover to over 80s if you have an existing ongoing policy, as mentioned do some research before you reach 80 to select a provider that will continue to provide you with cover in your 80s and beyond.

Provider Min AgeMax Age
Adrian Flux 17No max
HiC (Herts Insurance Company) 17No max
Be Wiser Insurance 21No max
Camping & Caravanning Club Members 2580
Caravan Guard 3580
Saga Policy Holder: 50+, Named Drivers: 30+ No Max
Caravan & Motorhome Club (CMC) 25No Max
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