Compare Bells Taxi & Private Hire insurance

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Bells Taxi insurance 

This is a unique business run family members David, Alan, Rose Bell and supporting staff. Unique in that the Bells actual operate a taxi service and currently own 4 taxis, so they should be considered experts in taxi insurance requirements. The success is witnessed by the massive expansion of their taxi insurance business over the recent years  

Customers cite the friendly service along with competitive prices as the key reason for the success of this local taxi insurance service. 

Bells Taxi insurance 

Bell is a common name in the UK, and there is more than one company that you could say offer Bell taxi insurance. The other with Tony Bell as managing director has over 30 years experience in the insurance industry.

Different Types of Policies Available with Bells

  •  Comprehensive Coverage:

Most cab drivers find comprehensive insurance the right choice. This level of cover offers extensive protection across various types of accidents.  The cover is aimed at providing cover in all circumstances that you may encounter during the working day. This coverage ensures that drivers are safeguarded in all scenarios, whether dealing with minor car issues or major incidents. With comprehensive coverage, drivers can feel confident that both their vehicles and passengers are protected from a wide range of potential risks, providing peace of mind on the road.

  • Third-Party, Fire and Theft:

This policy type offers taxi drivers a reasonable level of protection against claims from other drivers and damage to other vehicles, including fire damage to your own vehicle or theft. However, it is limited cover as it does not cover damage to the driver’s own vehicle. Instead, it provides coverage for third-party liability as well as protection against theft and fire. For drivers seeking a balance between affordability and coverage, third-party, fire, and theft insurance may make sense.

  • Third-Party Only:

The third-party-only insurance offers the most basic level of protection for cab drivers, and not all providers will offer this. While it meets legal requirements by covering liabilities to other parties in an accident, it does not provide coverage for damage to the driver’s own vehicle. Drivers opting for this coverage should be aware that like Third party with fire and theft, they will still be responsible for any repair costs and other expenses if in an accident. Although third-party-only insurance can be the most affordable option, drivers should carefully weigh the risks against the savings before choosing this minimal coverage.

Key factors associated with Bell's Taxi Insurance

Below, we have listed some of the attributes that make Bell taxi insurance unique in this crowed sector of vehicle insurance

  • Cover for both public and private hire vehicles
  • Taxi Minibus and MPV's insurance also available
  • Back cabs, PCO Car Insurance and chauffeur insurance cover available.
  • More than 1 taxi, then consider taxi fleet insurance, should work out cheaper and less cumbersome than the traditional one taxi one policy route.
  • Cover available from age 21 to age 75
  • Full range of cover from comprehensive to third party only.

Bell's Taxi Insurance Optional Extras

Along with flexible payment terms and options, Bells insurance also provide these as additional options to their taxi insurance

  • Protected no claims discount
  • Public Liability cover, £5,000,000 or £10,000,000
  • RAC Taxi Breakdown
  • Excess Protection cover and£100,000 Legal Expense cover 
  • Cover available from age 21 to age 75
  • Fault & Non Fault accident plated taxi cover

Remember breakdown cover

Some policies don’t include breakdown cover for your taxi vehicle. You can compare the best policies for taxi breakdown cover separately on our website.

How to Improve your Taxi Driving Score and Save

Drivers that are view as safe will often benefit from discounts on your insurance when it comes to renew. Safe driving can help improve your score, proving or taking steps to show that you are a responsible driver can drive down insurance costs, this is especially true for young drivers under 25. Here’s a thorough how-to for raising your Bell driving score:

  • Comparing quotes:  Comparing is the first step in the process of finding cheaper taxi insurance in Cambridge. Please be aware that some brokers may not offer their rates on some of these sites, so it may pay to visit individual broker sites. Different companies work out the insurance cost based on a number of factors, but the weight they apply can and odes vary, so it's always wise to get a range of quotes.
  • Pay your policy yearly: If you are currently paying monthly, consider paying your policy as a one-off payment should bring down the cost of your annual premium.
  • Taxi Security: If you have fitted any safety / security items from Thatcham, please insure you advise your broker, as this could result in savings on your premium. If not, adding extra security devices can bring down the costs of cover
  • Consider Fleet Cover: If you have a fleet of cabs as a business, it is generally more cost-effective with less administration task to purchase a taxi fleet insurance cover. Fleet policies will provide protection for all your vehicles under one easy to administer policy.
  • Black Box: Even for taxi drivers, adding or complying with the insurance company telemetric request can help significantly lower the cots of Cardiff taxi or private hire insurance( if the data is favourable ) 
  • Research Providers: Take time to review the insurance products and offers from competing taxi insurance providers. Comparing packages from these niche providers that include Freeway taxi insurance and insured taxi could help save you money.
  • Choose Wisely :  The insurance category that your hire vehicle, if you are after cheaper insurance costs choose a vehicle that is in the lower risk categories , example group 7 or lower.

Putting some of these ideas and tips into practice can help taxi drivers can successfully lower their insurance premiums while keeping their cars and passengers adequately covered with a comprehensive insurance policy to cover your risks.

Who underwrites the Haven insurance policies?

The Bell's taxi insurance company is a privately owned entity, and they underwrite their own policies. They also underwrite other polices for brokers such as Acorn.

Bell Taxi Insurance Phone and Contact Details

Bell Taxi Insurance
440-446 Ballater Street
Glasgow, Scotland
G5 0QW

Services offered by this provider may change over time. Always check Ts&Cs.

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