Working Days Calculator, UK

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England & Wales
Northern Ireland

This tool supports dates from 2015 to 2025

Between these two dates (-), there are:

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Last Update July 2023 by MultiQuoteTime Editorial Team

We at Multiquotetime hope that this 100% free working day calculator tool is useful to quickly calculate the number of workings days and public holidays between any two given dates, in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland

How Does the Working Day Calculator work?

The working days tool is easy to use. Start by selecting where you live UK, Scotland or NI and then enter the date range. The tool will calculate the exact number of business or working days between the 2 dates, taking into account public holidays and off course weekends. The free tool supports dates from 2015 to 2025

  • Select where in GB
  • Enter a start date
  • Enter an end date
  • No need to select calculate as tool will automatically calculate the number of working days in that time period or year

The tool will output the total number of days, the total number of working days, list any bank holidays along with the respective dates within the date range

How many workable days in a year?

The number of working days in a year will vary, but on the mean it will be 260 work days. A leap year may contain an extra work day, so there will be 261 work days and 52 weeks.

What is a working day in the UK?

The number of working days will be In the UK and all European countries a business work week is 5 days, from Monday to Friday, giving 5 business days in a work week. Another definition is any day other than Saturday or Sunday, Christmas day, Good Friday or a designated bank holiday under the banking act 1971 

We acknowledge that this is not always the case, especially if you work in the service industry when you will have to cover weekends and public holidays, but the tool is correct for most business models.

What are the bank holidays in 2022?

The bank holidays between From Saturday 01st January 2022 until Saturday Dec 31st 2022 are : 

New Year’s Day2022-01-03
Good Friday2022-04-15
Easter Monday2022-04-18
Early May bank holiday2022-05-02
Spring Bank Holiday2022-06-02
Platinum Jubilee bank holiday2022-06-03
Summer bank holiday2022-08-29
Boxing Day2022-12-26
Christmas Day2022-12-27

Number of working weeks in a year

The most accepted answer is that 48 weeks of the year are actual working weeks based on a 5-day working week, but it will vary depending on country and the associated work ethic.  

Business days in a year

What are the bank holidays in 2023?

New Year’s Day2023-01-02
Good Friday2023-04-07
Easter Monday2023-04-10
Early May bank holiday2023-05-01
Bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III2023-05-08
Spring Bank Holiday2023-05-29
Summer bank holiday2023-08-28
Christmas Day2023-12-25
Boxing Day2023-12-26

How many days are in a year?

The stock answer is 365,but with caveats. Let me explain a calendar year typically consists of 365.25 days, meaning a standard year comprises 365 days while a leap year occurs every fourth year, featuring 366 days to take account of the missing quarter days. Leap years are identified by an additional day, which is added on February 29th. To determine if a year is a leap year, you can typically divide it by 4. For instance, 2020, 2024, and 2028 are all leap years.

How many working days in a month, UK?

Month Number of working days in 2023Number of working days in 2024
November -

What are the working time regulations in the UK?

The UK, which covers Northern Ireland, has a working time directive that enforces a maximum limit of 48 working hours per week. This is averaged over a reference period of 17 weeks. This enables individuals to work more than 48 hours in one week, as long as the total number of working hours over the preceding 17 weeks does not exceed the limit.

This regulation also applies to people with multiple jobs as well. However, there are two exceptions to this rule: individuals working in the offshore oil and gas sector, whose weekly working time is calculated over 52 weeks, and trainee doctors, whose reference period for working time is 26 weeks.

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